Posted by David Gardner on Dec 11, 2017

Plunging or Donating is Making a Difference!

How will you Make a Difference in the goal to eradicate polio? I have an idea for you! Register to plunge at our 8th Annual Polar Plunge for Polio on February 3, 2018 at Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester. Assemble at 10:30 am, say hi to friends and grab some hot coffee, tea or hot chocolate. We will be plunging at 11:00 am.
If you have plunged in prior years, you know the excitement and the joy that is at the center of this incredible experience. The few moments of discomfort provides a glimpse into the impact that polio has on the lives of the children that we have helped immunize and will continue to do so until we have reach our goal: a polio free world! 
If you cannot plunge, please donate to a plunger in your club and help them raise money to make the biggest impact possible. The holiday season is an excellent time to share the story, ask for pledges and to build momentum until the day of the plunge.
Reach out to your friends, family, coworkers, and those who share in our work to provide better health to the world. Use each opportunity to demonstrate the great work that Rotary does locally and worldwide and maybe, just maybe, they will want to join our family and Do Good in the World.
Our district goal is to raise $125,000 at this year's plunge, and with your help, we will get there. If we meet our goal, we can ensure that another 500,000 or more immunizations will be provided and, through your efforts and generosity, children will be saved from this horrible disease. In fact, I am sure that your prior donations have already saved many lives of children around the world. For that, I thank you - and so does the rest of the world!
A special thank you to the Rotary Club of Gloucester for their vision to create this event eight years ago and for their steadfast support for each and every Polar Plunge. We could not pull this off without the guidance and help of the great Rotarians from Gloucester.
Are you ready to register to plunge or donate? Click here!