On Tuesday, June 26th, at the International Convention, from 2-3 pm there will be a breakout session that will introduce a global grant focused on addiction prevention education. The goal is to get as many clubs and districts excited about the possibility of tackling this epidemic in a meaningful way and one that we are capable of having a tremendous impact.
The program is designed to bring together community leaders, public health experts, parents and others in a World Cafe model to learn about the brain science of addiction and the driving forces that Rotary can address.
We will introduce the Rotary Toolkit on Community Engagement as a tool to educate our communities and our children of the risks involved with the developing mind, advocate for healthier outcomes and collaborate with those who want to reduce the effects of addiction. The Rotary Addiction Prevention Seminar is a new partnership initiative between the International Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention and Edventi, a prevention education curricula company. The model was developed for replication and scalability across communities and regions through Rotary.
The toolkit has been made available to Clubs to purchase here: http://www.edventi.com/addiction-prevention-toolkit
To learn more about the initiative and find out how to purchase and implement the toolkit, email:
Heidi Heilman: heidih@edventi.com
David Gardner at: djg@boydsdirect.com.
Using short educational media segments, guided discussion focused on tobacco, marijuana, addiction science, alcohol and opioids. Participants will learn about the key drivers of large population addiction, so that we can begin to address the problem way upstream and implement primary prevention measures that delay onset of drug use, reduce the rates of addiction, and save tremendous costs to society.
Using the Rotary Toolkit designed to connect stakeholders with public health expertise on primary prevention, participants experienced how to implement the model and engage their own communities and organizations for shared learning on understanding the driving forces of addiction.