The Burlington Breakfast Rotary Club in an effort to assist seniors and others having difficulty with technology and how to use a variety of electronic devices, is introducing a “Technology Assistance Program” This novel community service initiative is designed to connect seniors and computer challenged individuals with others via technology. This service is especially timely during this unprecedented period of the coronavirus in place of traditional, person to person meetings and get-togethers.
Burlington Breakfast Rotary Club President Rita Shah explained “the initiative is a collaborative effort between Breakfast Rotary, the Burlington Council on Aging and a number of high school student volunteers. The purpose is to provide complimentary technical assistance to those having issues with their laptop, desktop, Ipad, cell phones or other electronic devices”. The initiative was suggested by Past President Kevin McKelvey who admitted he is a dinosaur when it comes to computers.
BBRC President Shah stated that seniors can reduce loneliness and experience better mental and physical health through communication with others especially with the use of technology. Studies have found that seniors who connect with the outside world through technology have lower levels of depression.
To be a recipient of this Initiative, please reach out to Marge McDonald at the Burlington Council on Aging for the intake process. She will refer seniors to Burlington Breakfast Rotary Club volunteers, who in turn will make appointments with interested seniors to provide the needed assistance. Marge McDonald may be reached at 781-270-1953 and Breakfast Rotary President Rita Shah at 339-234-0738.
The Technology Assistance Program has been warmly received by the Council of Aging and an article with photo recently appeared in the Burlington edition of the Daily Times Chronicle.
The Breakfast Rotary Club looks forward to the Program being officially recognized by Rotary International as an initiative worthy of implementation in the District and beyond.
Excerpt from the newspaper:
THE BURLINGTON BREAKFAST ROTARY CLUB has begun a program in conjunction with the Council of Aging to assist seniors with technology issues as they remain at home during the pandemic. Breakfast Rotary President Rita Shah (far left), and Council of Aging Director Marge McDonald (second from left), are with some of the volunteers including (not in order) Prapti Shah, Sara Shaikh, and Tania Houssain. For all the details, see page A3. (Courtesy of