We invite you to join us in celebrating the Somerville Rotary Club is 100 Year Anniversary. The 100 Years of Service celebration is taking place on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at the George Dilboy Post, Davis Square, Somerville. Ticket information can be found here.
This event will highlight the Somerville Rotary Club’s accomplishments over the years and its plans going forward. The District Governor and Mayor of Somerville will attend. The Club will celebrate several people and organizations that have made an impactful contribution to many families and individuals at risk of food insecurity, homelessness, domestic abuse, and other life challenges in our community. These special people have long partnered with the Somerville Rotary Club and have together worked toward meeting Rotary’s “Service Above Self” goals.
We hope that you will join us and our celebration of service to our community. Rotary is service and service helps make our community.
Celebration Committee: Gene Brune, Gene Ferraro, John Keegan, Ann Kirby, Gilda Nogueira, David Worzala