Posted by Jack Moynihan on Aug 07, 2023
On July 26th from 6 -8pm, Wildfire served up a smorgasbord of tunes ranging from ABBA's Dancing Queen to Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA for an enthusiastic crowd on the final night of the Lynnfield Rotary Concert series. The talented vocalists of the group led the way with a wide-ranging repertoire of songs including Simply the Best by Tina Turner, Gloria by Laura Brannigan, Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison, Giver Me Some Lovin’ by Richie Valens, Old Time Rock ‘n Roll by Bob Seger and many more, to the delight of the largest audience of the year.

The weather couldn’t have provided a better backdrop for Lynnfield Rotary's final Concert. The energy was exhilarating as young and old enjoyed the inviting evening atmosphere with family and friends.

Lynnfield High's Interact handled food and beverages and were so busy they asked that the food and beverage tables remain up until after the final song.

The balloon man, Tim Levesque, who provides his artistic handiwork, also found himself having a very busy night.  Kids were lined up waiting for his balloon creations through the event.

Five raffle winners happily accepted their prizes during intermission.

Wildfire cemented their position as the anchor of the July Concert Series.  They were a fitting way to bring the successful 2023 season of 4 Wednesday evening concerts to a memorable conclusion.

Rotary thanks Concert on the Common Co-Chairs Lauri and Bob Priestley as well as our generous sponsors.  Without their support the July concert events could not be possible. They are:  Matt Kimball, Ellen Crawford, First Financial Trust, The Savings Bank, Victor Saldahna, Moynihan Lumber, Jany Kimball, Kimball and Kimball, Dave Drislane, Cornerstone Construction, Jack and Hilda Moynihan, Wakefield Coop, Everett Bank, YMCA Metro North, Kayem Franks, 99 Restaurant, Calvary Christian Church, Eastern Bank, Boston Acoustics, Lynnfield Library, Lynnfield Art Guild, Lynnfield Tree Committee, Re-create Art Studio, Beth Clark, Tim Levesque, Magic of Yarrow, Lorraine Sacco, and La Gallina.

Lynnfield Rotary thanks all who came out to enjoy the concert series for this year and invites you all back for the Concert on the Common in July of 2024.