Interact is Rotary’s service club for youth ages 12-18. Interact clubs can be community-based or school-based. Individual Rotary clubs sponsor Interact clubs and provide them with support and guidance, but each Interact club is self-governing and self-supporting. The goals of Interact include developing leadership skills and personal integrity, demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others, understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work, and advancing international understanding and goodwill.
Your Rotary club can support Interact by
- Inviting local Interactors or your district Interact chair to speak at club meetings
- Including local Interactors in a community service project
- Sponsoring an Interact club (Schedule a meeting with local school administrators to get started.)
- Holding a career day for Interactors
- Attending Interact club meetings, and inviting Interactors to attend your Rotary club meetings
- Assigning Rotary club members to mentor Interactors
Learn more about Interact and how to sponsor an Interact club with these materials:
- Interact Handbook (654)
- Interact Poster (639)
- Interact: Make a Difference DVD (650)
- Interact Faculty Adviser Guide (web only)
Learn more about Interact at www.rotary.org/interact.
If you want to learn more about Interact, watch “Students Making a Difference,” the 2012 Interact Video Contest grand-prize winner, or any of the other entries to see how young people, like you, are changing the world through Interact.
Contact your local Rotary club.