As our Rotary Year 22-23 hit the mid-point you still have time to submit your Club’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion citation and score sheet.
Most Clubs have found that when they review the Citation requirements (25 suggested action steps, Club must achieve 13 of the 25 for certification) that the Club has already achieved some of the action steps.
Your Club has until June 30, 2023, to review and submit your DEI Citation score sheet for certification. Please fill out your scoresheet and email to David Hart DEI Committee Chair and District Governor Alex.
DEI Citation and Score Sheet documents are available on the District 7930 DEI web page.
Please click on this link: https://rotary7930.org/sitepage/dei.
If you would like someone from the DEI Committee to come and speak to your Club, please contact David Hart, DEI Committee Chair at davidhart4251@gmail.com to arrange a date and time.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact David Hart at davidhart4251@gmail.com or at 781-718-7799.