Over the last year the District Membership Committee has been working to gather stories of club activities focusing on the Veteran community and share ideas for clubs to engage with local Veterans in their respective towns and cities.
On Wednesday, June 5th, 12 pm, the District Veteran's Committee will host a Zoom call for anyone looking to share a success story or looking to get some ideas on what they do within their club in the upcoming year.
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Matt Schroeder.
The call details are below:
I will take the first few minutes to give an overview of why the Committee was formed and what we have been working toward. The rest of the time we will share some success stories and discuss ideas on possible club projects for the upcoming year. The goal is to find one new idea you can execute at the club level to drive community engagement and attract new followers or members to your club.
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 863 2560 8878
Passcode: 196959